Budget Tab of the Project Properties Dialog Box

Use this tab to enter Budget and Estimate at Complete values for the project. Cobra uses this information mainly to comply with EVMS reporting requirements. Cobra also uses this information in project logs as a change control mechanism and in CPR reports.

Use the fields on this tab if you plan to perform Earned Value Management System reporting or use Cobra's Audit Log utility.


Field Description
Negotiated Cost Use this field to enter the target cost for the budgeted contract. Cobra disables this field once the project log is turned on.
Authorized Unpriced Work Use this field to enter the amount of any Authorized Unpriced Work (AUW) for the project. AUW refers to any scope change for which authorization to proceed has been given, but for which the estimated costs are not yet settled.
Contract Budget Base This field displays the Contract Budget Base (CBB) for the project. Cobra calculates the CBB by combining the Negotiated Cost and the AUW.

You cannot change the value in this field.

Management Reserve Use these fields to enter the budgeted and estimated final Management Reserve (MR) for the project. Cobra disables the Budgeted Management Reserve field once the project log is turned on. The Estimate at Complete Management Reserve field is never disabled.
Undistributed Budget These fields display the Budgeted and Estimate at Complete Undistributed Budget for the project. Cobra disables the Undistributed Budget field in the Budgeted column by automatically populating this field with the cumulative undistributed amount of budget for the project. However, you can change the value in the Undistributed Budget field in the Estimate at Complete column.
Fee % This is the management fee for the project, expressed as a percentage of the Contract Budget Baseline. Entering a value in this field displays the corresponding currency amount in the Fee Amount field.
Fee Amount Cobra determines the amount displayed in the Fee Amount field based on the value you entered in the Fee % field. If you change the amount in this field, the value in the Fee % field will also change.
Target Price This is the estimated Contract Target Price at the completion of the project. It is the sum of the Contract Budget Base and any management fees.

You cannot change the value in this field.

Contract Ceiling These fields display the Budgeted and Estimate at Complete Contract Ceiling amounts for the project.
Estimated Price This field displays the Estimated Price for the project. This field is editable, but Cobra still calculates the Estimated Price value if you make changes to the Fee Amount or Most Likely value.

Cobra calculates the Estimated Price value as follows:

  • If you change the Fee Amount or the Most Likely value, Cobra recalculates the Estimated Price value.
  • If you change the Fee Amount and Most Likely values and set a different Estimated Price value for the project, you need to edit the Estimated Price field and manually enter the amount.
Original Negotiated Cost This field displays the budgeted value of the original contract's negotiated cost. Cobra uses this value in the Original Negotiated Cost block of the CPR Format 3 report.
Over Target Baseline Amount This field displays the value of budget distributed in the work package using the class OT. This is reserved for budget entered as over target baseline (OTB). Cobra automatically populates this field by summarizing the currency amounts of the OTB in the project.

You cannot change the value in this field.

Estimated Cost at Completion

Field Description
Best Case This field displays the Estimated Cost at Completion value for best-case forecasts. The value that you enter in this field is used in the Estimated Cost at Completion section of CPR Format reports.
Worst Case This field displays the Estimated Cost at Completion value for worst-case forecasts. The value that you enter in this field is used in the Estimated Cost at Completion section of the CPR Format reports.
Most Likely This field displays the Estimated Cost at Completion value for the most likely completion estimate for the project. Cobra uses the value in this field to calculate the Estimated Price for the project. The value entered in this field is used to calculate the estimated price.